P E R S O N A L      私 人 資 料   

Ref No: 1706 VCD No:
Age: 35 Date of Birth: 26- 06-1968
Height: 150 CM Weight:  45 KG
Religion: MUSLIM
Martial Status: MARRIED
Husband Occupation: Farmer
No. of kids:  2 Age:
Place of Birth:


F A M I L Y B A C K G R O U N D                                    家 庭 背 景

Father's Age: 63 Occupation: Farmer
Mother's Age: 53   Occupation: Farmer
No. of Brother: No. of Sister: I am the   1   Child in the family


E D U C A T I O N B A C K G R O U N D                         教 育 程 度 

Highest Education: Elementary Secondary High School Other Training


E M P L O Y M E N T H I S T O R Y                            住 家 工 經 驗

Name of Employer: Place: Period: Salary:
LAI H.K. 2000 -  2002  
Duties:                                                                                          ■ = Yes,   □ = No
Care of New-born Babies  No.: Ages:
Care of Young Children No.:  1 Ages: 12
Care of Elderly Persons No.: Ages:            
Cleaning Washing Ironing Care of Pets
Cooking □Car Washing Gardening Others